Children’s Work
Every third Sunday of the Month we hold our Sunday School at 9 am in the local Primary School
Every 4th Sunday of the Month we hold our new venture at 4.15 pm in Church for children and families
Introducing our new venture:
Jesus and Me
Designed especially for children (though everyone is very welcome!) where we look at the person of Jesus through story, music, games and crafts. We will meet on the 4th Sunday of the month at 4.15 pm in our lovely church and will last around 45 mins or so. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
The Red Tractor
While the pandemic caused us to be locked down and unable to meet together, we couldn’t run our monthly Sunday School.
So instead we provided a couple of stories aimed at children (but hopefully enjoyed by everyone!). Here we have an original story from a couple in our congregation.
We hope you enjoy!
Safeguarding Policy
For further information please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Karen Ball on 01995 679297